2018-06-11 06:46:50
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英国路透社是世界最大,最权威,最严格的新闻社,新闻觸角到达全世界。2018年3月22日大篇幅向全世界发了一篇英文新闻,介绍中国人 范光陵院士在全世界及海峡两岸创新的成就,与追赠 “东方文艺复兴金奖” 予当代物理学大师 史蒂夫. 霍金博士。

路透社及美国著名电视媒体ABC,NBC,CBS,福克斯,美国先驱日报,美国新闻报,环球日报,美国前沿杂志,欧洲邮报,布法罗新闻报,美国旅游,美国晨报,环球经济观察,CEO世界,美国先锋晚报,盐湖城周刊,大俄克拉荷马日报等世界数以千计的媒体之新闻中包括:中国 范光陵博士在 “自然科学” 为世界电脑先駆,中国电脑之父;在 “社会科学” 为海峡两岸破冰之旅领头人,名校台湾成功大学商学院院长,美国加州大学正教授及国际关系主席;在 “人文学” 为中国历史上首次世界诗人大会及世界文化大会主席,世界历史上首次中英文精编孔子孝经,四书,老子道德经各为101字. 被公认为 “文艺复兴人 Renaissance Man”,近现代世界十二大画家,中国当代十大画家等的范光陵院士。路透社新闻并报道了范光陵和世界名人,大物理学家霍金先后在英国,法国錯过相会的历史。以及中国范光陵博士现在为英国霍金博士追颁 “东方文艺复兴金奖。


这样的 “星” 也是 “星”,他们更值得我们学习。


China’s Dr. Kuanling Fan Presented Posthumous Oriental Renaissance Medal to Late Physicist Dr. Stephen Hawking

Recently, a memorial gathering was held in Shanghai to pay tributes to the late physicist and cosmologist Dr. Stephen Hawking, and eminent Chinese poet and painter Dr. Kuanling Fan presented posthumous Oriental Renaissance Medal to the late scientist.

Shanghai, China – March 21, 2018 —

不久前,上海有一个追思会纪念甫去世之物理及天文学家史蒂夫. 霍金. 著名的中国名诗人及画家范光陵博士于2018年三月二十一日追赠东方文艺复兴奖章给霍金博士。

China joined the rest of the world in mourning the death of late scientist Dr. Stephen Hawking as the Chinese government and many other individuals, organizations and scholarly groups paid their last tribute to the greatest scientist of the 21st century so far. At Shanghai Bund, right next to the old Huangpu River, a memorial gathering for Late Dr. Stephen William Hawking was held. The Chinese scientist and artist Dr. Kuanling Fan (also known as Fan Kuanling, Kenneth K. Fan, and Fan Guang Ling), who is also named as the “Oriental Renaissance Man”, and “Father of Computer in China” was among the masses to pay his tribute to the late scientist.

中国与世界共同追思霍金去世。中国政府,人民,团体,学会追思此一21世纪伟大科学家。在上海外滩,黄浦江畔追思进行。被称为 “东方文艺复兴人” 及 “中国电脑之父” 的中国科学家及艺术家范光陵博士在追思行列。

Dr. Fan, who has been described by the French media as “Le Figaro” and many as “grands artistes le Dr. Kuanling Fan” and is considered as one of the “twelve greatest painters in the modern world” along with the likes of Henri Matisse, Gustav Klimt, Edvard Munch, Eillem de Kooning and the president of the first World Congress of Poets in China presented one of the highest civilian awards in China, the Golden Medal of Oriental Renaissance to Dr. Hawking on March 19 this year.

范博士被法国 “费加洛报” 及许多媒体列为 “伟大艺术家范光陵”. 并被认为是 “近现代世界十二伟大艺术家” 之一,包括马蒂斯,克林姆,蒙克,库林. 他又是中国首次世界诗人大会主席. 范光陵追赠霍金以人民间最高之东方文艺复兴奖予霍金。

范光陵世界首创之 “诗意油画 poetc oil painting” - “江南 Jiangnan”. 即 “中学为体,西学为用” . 把中国 “诗画合一” 的艺术哲学,直接画在油画画布上.





“Jiangnan,over waters we met

Lotus and tight skirt

Tomorrow flowers bloom and fade

Only your shadow yesterday

世界艺术文化导演 艾文 评论:世界诗意油画之父 范光陵大师新作颇像意大利天才艺术家 达·芬奇的绝世之作,蒙娜丽莎的神秘微笑有相似之处,这和他之前绘画风格有点变化,令人耳目一新。画面中人物妩媚美丽、深不可测的微笑,这是幸福、美好的象征。达芬奇是一位思想深邃,学识渊博、多才多艺的画家,这方面和世界十二大画家 范大师在这方面极为相似。

“Why not give the Oriental Renaissance award to a Westerner? Our great friend Dr. Hawking brightened our minds and was one of the architects behind Oriental Renaissance. And he was with us here in China three times, and he even went up to the Long Wall,” said Dr. Fan at a press conference held just before the award giving ceremony. Along with Dr. Fan, a number of Chinese poets, painters, scientists and intellectuals lauded late Dr. Hawking and recounted his contributions toward the greater good of the common people, especially for the under-privileged mass of the globe.

颁奖会上范光陵说:“为什么不能颁 东方文艺复兴奖 给西方人?我们伟大朋友霍金博士照亮了我们的心。是 东方文艺复兴设计师之一. 他来过中国三次,甚至去过长城”。许多中国诗人,画家,科学家,知识分子与范博士赞美霍金博士及他的对一般人,尤其对地球上无特权人士之贡献.

British scientist Dr. Stephen William Hawking, the inspiration for many talented people worldwide who have limited physical and mental dexterity, became a household name due to his sheer genius and physical disability before passing away at the age of 76 on March 14, 2018. Dr. Hawking was propelled to superstardom after his 1988 book “A Brief History of Time” got published. In the same year, Dr. Fan fulfilled his revolutionary promise of becoming the first one in Chinese history to take the first delegation of Hope and Peace from Taiwan to China after 40 years of separation under death threats.

英国科学家霍金是世界许多,有才而限于身心灵活度人士的激励. 由于天才及残废成了家寓户𣇈名人. 2018年3月14日去世。由于他的1988年出书 “时间简史” 而被推上超级巨星。同年,范光陵也完成了他革命性之愿望,在两岸四十年分隔,为了和平与希望,冒死带领第一个代表团从中国台湾到大陆。

“Dr. Hawking had visited China three times and Chinese leaders had met with him. Chinese scientists and scientific community members had had the opportunity communicate with him. Hawking was aware about China’s development and spoke highly of the scientific and technological progress that China has made. Hawking was very fond of Chinese culture, and had even fulfilled his dream to reach the Great Wall,” said a spokesperson for Dr. Kuanling Fan.


Dr. Fan, who has been working on improving the relations between the Oriental countries and the West, recently completed his “21st Century Art Revolution Trip” through 13 countries of Europe. He travelled through Russia, France, Luxembourg, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, and Spain. Dr. Fan exhibited his paintings, exchanged ideas with prominent poets and artists, and visited through many different parts of the world during the trip.

范博士一直为增进东西方关系而努力。最近,他通过欧洲十三囯,完成了 “二十一世纪艺术革命之旅”。十三国为:俄罗斯,法兰西,卢森堡,德意志,捷克,斯洛伐克,匈牙利,奥地利,列支敦士登,瑞士,荷兰,比利时,西班牙

At the special condolence meeting and posthumous award giving ceremony, he said, “The time for culture and science-oriented Oriental revolution is here for and we should all work together to make it happen. We must start the movement now and move toward a brighter tomorrow, even if the situation does not favour us. And Dr. Hawking, who showed the world how to communicate through a computer, is a great source of inspiration for all of us”.


Dr. Fan’s father Dr. Fan Yuan-Sheng was a top-brass official during the tenure of President Chiang Kai-Shek and was one of the top officials who prepared communication materials ahead of the ex-president’s meeting with US president Roosevelt. His mother Dr. Li Guo-Yi, who lived up to 109 years, and she was Madam Chiang’s close friend. When he was a child, Dr. Fan got the chance to learn painting from prominent Chinese painters such as Xu Beihong and Zhang Daqian.

范光陵之父亲范苑声博士是蒋介石的高官. 也曾为他准备与美国罗斯福总统等交流之资料,为名校野寨中学创办人。“范光陵美术館”即在天柱山畔之野中。范光陵母亲李国彜博士活到109岁。蒋夫人宋美龄友好之一。范光陵幼年时,即因而有缘向徐悲鸿,张大千大师习画。上为范光陵画水墨画 “荷叶”.

“范光陵老师,您的这幅画很厉害啊!细细品味以后,发现特别有意思:诗画不仅结合得天衣无缝,相得益彰,而且笔法灵动,寓意和构思都很别致和巧妙,浑然天成,堪称完美. 不仅妙笔生花,精彩至极,而且清新婉转,别具一格。尤其是画面色彩和人物的巧妙运用,使得整个画面都洋溢着青春的气息。仔细拜读画上的诗句,真是画龙点睛,恰到好处,使人耳畔仿佛回荡起《西洲曲》的优美和哀婉,真是动人心弦,给人以美的享受!您再一次通过自己伟大的创新实践,将古典诗意、现代油画进行完美的结合,为世界创造了一件全新的、了不起的艺术精品,真是可喜可贺,且令人叹服!真是一件推陈出新、前无古人的佳作,心生由衷的敬佩!”赵富忠。

东亞文化名人苏炳郎主席:“气壯山河吞湖岳、展翼鵬飛万里揚 !“ 湖南韩庆江:“推陈出新,别具一格的大作”。国际名画家邱绣陵, 旗袍大师袁念华有同感。因写 “灯塔戈与烛火” 一文名满世界网络,美国德州大学博士,上海交通大学客座正教授范代希,企业科学家张荣桂博士,曾在北京人民大会堂获得青年文学奖的范培希教授同表祝贺。

Dr. Fan, who is widely regarded as the “Oriental Renaissance man” is also mentioned as “father of computer in China” in Chinese high school textbooks. He is also revered as the founder of “poetic oil painting”. Dr. Fan had good contacts with US president George Bush, French president Giscard, Philippine president Ramos, and Polish president Walesa. Dr. Fan is also recompiling Confucius’ books as of now. Rated as “one of the ten grand painters in China”>

Dr. Fan said, “One day I’ll join Dr. Hawking up right there working together happily forever for hope and peace for the people of the whole world”.

各方普遍认为范博士为东方文艺复兴人。在中学教科书上,他被认为中国电脑之父。他又是 “诗意油画” 创始人。范博士与美国老布希总统,法国季斯卡总统,菲律宾罗慕斯总统,波兰华勒沙总统等交好。如今范博士又精编孔子书籍。又被称为 “中国当代十大画家”。


同时,由两岸艺术名家组成的 “气若幽兰”纪念“ 一带一路”倡议发表五周年系列巡展上海首站于3月20日在上海环球金融中心云间美术馆举行。众多两岸三地艺术名家及爱好者们齐聚现场赏艺论道。云间美术馆馆长徐迪旻, 范光陵主席,上海交通大学徐强院长在致辞中均表示,书画艺术是中华文化的重要组成部分,是世界民族艺术殿堂中的瑰宝,传承和弘扬祖国灿烂文化,将其发扬光大是我们华夏儿女神圣职责。郭为美系出台湾大画家郭柏村名门,出生于北京,毕业于西班牙巴赛隆纳圣乔治艺术学院,任职台湾艺大美术理论教授达25年之久,画风有乃父郭柏川之风,其对大自然色彩的追求与其情感的触动和深具大地滋润的灵感,笔下的静物有乃父之风格,饱满的色彩都充满著生生不息的能量。刘蓉莺教授生于台湾,籍贯山东青岛人,台湾师大美术系毕业,设计研究所硕士,2016年受聘吉林大学及长春工业大学客座教授,曾任教台南应用科技大学、南华大学等。经常在两岸及世界各地参展,被誉为当代心灵水墨画家,其创作取材广泛,立意深远,具有扎实的传统技法、墨韵显露天地灵气和脱俗的气质,代表着现代及传统的优雅、精致及清新、恬静的风格,呈现了最富生命力的视觉能量. 策展人林兰芷在现场表示希望藉由双人巡回展能够共同促进东方艺术交流,从传统走向现代的发展中留下重要篇章。

现场范光陵除纪念霍金外,又在手机上展现前述 “江南” 诗画. 有人认为 “图画中之江南” 像名画家刘蓉莺。刘画家说:“像林蘭芷,美麗丶浪漫丶年青“. 汗血宝马大画家范融认为像安徽安庆潜山的大乔,小乔。世界计算机多元处理创始人之一姜范一陵认为像母亲年青时. 留美化学专家范又陵博士认为是江浙人. 美国商会郭文主席不表示意见. 美国彩印大亨晋认为有洋气,黄文俊, 建筑名家范诚和汪德华,孙培莘,孙培正,范玉珂未表示意见. 大家说像誰?

世界文化大会主席范光陵院士与原台湾选出之中国小姐第一名林兰芷在讲台上讲述中华文化, 手机展示诗意油画 “江南”

台湾原名立法委员郑余镇送范光陵他手写的书法, 说:2015年11月我因肺積水在台大醫院加䕶病房急救,在昏睡中我飄然到天際看到許多成雙入對的年長者,彼此間喜悅相處相互招呼笑容可鞠非常慈祥徜徉在快樂的仙境. 令我心曠神怡,悠然間天上出現一道白光,在我眼前呈現LOVE的標示. 極為清新奪目。於是在警醒中,我從天上掉下來彷佛回到人間!原來L0VE就是愛. 我恍然大悟天上掉下來的禮物就是愛。 愛是宇宙間最偉大的力量,大愛都天天浮現在我的腦海中。 我書寫的 “天上掉下來的禮物“,神奇他啓示我去傳播愛。於是我勤練書法,將愛的禮物化為正能量傳播到地球各角落,促進世界和平共同努力!這也是我的使命。大家为他热烈鼓掌!
